Wednesday, October 27, 2010

To The New Immigrants Who Plans To Settle in the Seattle Area

Welcome to Seattle! Seattle is the 15th largest city in the United States, and the largest in the northwestern states. The city's populations is about 617,000 inhabitants. Here are some suggestions and information for you:
Car is a great transportation here. It's more flexible than a bus when you plan to go somewhere. We have different speed limits for different road sections. So be aware of the speed limits. And car insurance is necessary. When you have car insurance you have nothing to worry about if you are involved in a car accident.
If you have a school-aged children: There are two type of schools, public school and private school. Public school are provided by state and federal funding. They are offered free of charge, whereas private schools do not receive tax revenues but charge through tuition and private grants. Therefore, private schools cost more than the public schools. The median tuition fee for private high schools in the Seattle area is about $14,000 a year. Double that charge for boarding schools. Now you may have the basic ideas about high school in Seattle.
Become a member of the local library. The local libraries have free Internet access. You can find available jobs on library websites or through the Internet. But we are currently in a special economic situation, and many people can't find employment. However, don't give up, go ahead-cross your fingers: the new page of your journal has just started.

1 comment:

  1. Nice writing....I especially like how you were able to incorporate the phrase "cross your fingers" -- this is exactly the right situation for it. Your last line is wonderful.
    You will be reading this OUT LOUD in class so practice it a few times. Edits will be give to you in class.
