Thursday, October 21, 2010

Immigrants help each other

From my point of view, immigrants help each other all the time. Although I have been an immigrant less than a year, but I have this distinct impression. It is no exaggeration that immigrants help each other with study, life and work.
I have read some newspaper clippings on the board in our building. It tells us, Renton ESL students and other immigrants legally living in Washington state participated in a rally in Olympia to get better welfare services. Another news, more than 100 RTC ESL students gathered to protest state budget cuts at main building on March 10th, 2009. As far as I know, last year Renton Techical College was forced to cut its ESL class by about half. I am not saying that we can have the wonderful class here as a result of what the protester did. But I have to say that the classes we do have today are inseparable from the people who went there to voice their own opinion.
About one month ago, I heard from my Aunt; one of her co-worker's husband died of cancer. Therefore, many co-workers voluntary donated to the woman whose husband had died of cancer. Most people are immigrants in her department, finally they collected over 2000 dollars. I was touched when I heard this.


  1. something else I wonder why your image in the about me and profile not finish with loading?!

  2. good question dude, when I was uploading the image of mine unfortunately the system replied the image I've uploaded was epic ugly, they don't wanna any reader get hurt... have to use this loading picture instead of me.
