Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Magic Paintbrush

Once upon a time, there was a young boy called Ma Liang. He was poor and kind and worked for a rich man to tend cattle. He liked drawing and drew pictures everywhere. One night, he dreamed that an old man gave him a magic paintbrush and asked him to use it to help poor people. When he woke up, he found the magic paintbrush on his desk.
From that day, he used the paintbrush whenever people needed help. When he saw that people had no water to use in the fields, he drew a river and the river came to life. People could bring water from the river to the field and save a lot of time and energy. When he saw it was difficult for people to till lands, he drew a cow and the cow came to life. People could use the cow to till lands very easily. So whenever he saw the peoples' troubles, he would use his magic paintbrush to help.
Then many people found out about the magic paintbrush. But a few days later, the rich man whom Ma Liang worked for heard that the magic paintbrush could turn everything to life. He was a bad man so he had an idea to steal the paintbrush from the young boy. He knew that he could make a lot of money by turning things to life and keeping them. So he sent some people to the Ma Liang's home and took him to the prison. He got the magic paintbrush and felt very happy. Then he invited a lot of his friends to come to his home and showed them the magic paintbrush. He drew a lot of pictures, but they could not become to real. He was as mad as a hornet and his friends was discussing and laughing about that. I'm so embarrassed, rich man thought, why don't these pictures come to life? A few seconds later, the rich man asked some people to get Ma Liang. When the young boy came, he said to him, "If you draw some pictures for me and turn them to life, I will set you free." He must be lying to me, he was a bad man in the village, Ma Liang thought, but I have an idea. The young boy said to the bad man, "I can help you, but you should obey your words." The bad man felt very happy and said, "I want a golden mountain. I will go there to gather gold." The young boy drew a sea first. The bad man was angry and said," Why did you draw a sea? I do not want this. I want a golden mountain. Draw it quickly." Then the young boy drew a golden mountain which was far away from the sea. The bad man saw that and felt very happy. He said, "Draw a big ship quickly. I want to go there to gather gold."
The young boy smiled quietly and drew a big ship. The bad man jumped into the ship first and a lot of his family and friends jumped too. When they reached gold mountain, the young boy drew a large wave and it destroyed the ship. So the bad man and his friends never get back again.
Finally, the young boy lived with his family as happy as lark, and also kept on helping the poor people. So the magic paintbrush was known by everyone.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

An Unforgettable Moment

Throughout our life, tens of hundreds of days might have passed unawares. We oftentimes concentrate too much of our attention on doing our jobs and daily trivia. However, some of our experiences can never be erased from our memory forever.
In China, no sooner have students been admitted to senior high school than they have to participate in an about ten-day military training in accordance with the Department of Education. I actually started my training lessons during that summer vacation.
As far as I could remember, it was a terrible hot morning on my first day of training. The sun nearly burnt my skin. Students had to stand erect under the sun for about two hours.
As a matter of fact, my strength was almost all used up since I had only eaten a little bread for breakfast. Eventually my eyes were stricken with darkness, and I fainted. However, I heard "Are you ok?" and "Ming, can you hear us?" said by my classmates beside me. "I can heard you but I don't have any energy to say any words" I thought. They sent me to the clinic room. I actually remained unconscious. During that time, I heard my trainer say "Give his some water with sugar, he must not have had enough breakfast." I thought "Yes, that's right. But never again!" After the sweet water I regained consciousness and came to life very quickly. My class teacher and classmates asked about me with great concern. Though I felt a little bit sick, I persisted in taking the training with other students in the remaining time.
Even now, I can clearly recall their concerned looks.I figure that all kinds of difficulties may come up in my life and this is only one of those. Don't worry too much about them, because it is
just a test -"a test of life."

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Cover Letter

Dear John,

My name is Ming Jie He and I am writing this to you to apply for the SDET-II (Software Design Engineer in Test - level two).

I was employed as SDET-II at Microsoft China in Shanghai for 2 years. I have programming experience with CMD Command, C# and Parser Language for over 2 years. The main technologies I use daily are Visual Studio 2008, SQL, Product Studio and Source Depot.

I am a dedicated and hard working person. For example: The FSSMC (Microsoft Forefront Server Security Management Console) was my first project when I entered the company. And I have completed my various duties in an outstanding fashion. As a result, I was promoted to the Netmon (Microsoft Network Monitor) team for automation test and test cases development until I came to the US.

I am also careful with details and good problem solver. For example: one time I found an irregular message in the capture file. Normally, we wouldn't have looked at it. But it looked unusual, so I investigated. I found that there was a problem with a previous version of the protocol. So I reported this problem to the project manager in a conference call. He immediately contacted the protocol manager, who checked and confirmed that this was an error. This allowed the protocol team to pinpoint and correct the error.

I am looking to advance my Software Engineering career by learning new technologies and extending my C sharp experience. I am sure if I am given the opportunity to meet with you I will be able to tell you more about my achievements and aspirations.

I look forward to meeting with you.

Ming Jie He

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Homeschooling Better Than a Public School

According to a report, there were an estimated 1.9 to 2.5 million children homeschooled during 2008-2009 in the United States. So more and more parents of children are making the decision to homeschool. I am not saying that homeschooling is the best. What I am saying is that in a way, the homeschooling is only "worse" because some of people haven't heard it, and don't realize the advantages of Homeschooling. I hope you may find some benefits here to help you make the decision that is right for you and your kids - Homeschooling.
Homeschooling can keep your children more focused on learning. Each child has different interests and skills. For example: if you find that your child has a talent in sports or music, you can easy to rearrange the schedule, even make a new study plan at once. So your child able to get more practice and experience in the area of their talent or interest, and give them a short or basic practice for other subjects. In homeschooling you can also do the opposite: if you want to plant seeds for your child to become a comprehensive person. For example: if you find that your child did very well in the subjects of reading and writing but their math skills are very bad. You can give a suitable time for learning and improving the subjects that your kids did well. And spend much more exercises focus on the weak subjects. In public school kids have all same learning time for each subjects. So this is one useful aspect about the flexiblity and pertinence of homeschooling.
Homeschooling allows parents to have better monitor on what their children do. I believe the home is the safest, comfortable, most secure environment for (your kids) learning. At home, your child does not have to deal with peer pressure or fitting it with the popular cliques. For example: Many new families seriously looking into homeschooling because their kids are refusing to go to school out of fear, or the parents are worried about threats made by bullies. In homeschooling, we don't have to worry about whether or not other children come to school with knives, cigarettes, drugs. Homeschooled children do not bring home all the illness being passed around at school. In homeschooling, parents able to keep eye on their children, even become involved in playing with their children.
Strong family ties is another reason. It's almost needless to say that homeschooling children spend much more time with their families than school kids. Homeschooling children play very well when they get together with their parents. And also homeschooling children learn how to behave toward others by modeling their parents, not their peers. For example: when children are at school 9-10 hours a day, family ties are weakened. So homeschooling children spend more time with their families; they learn from their families. This naturally strengthens family ties.
In conclusion, homeschooling parents choose to homeschool for a wide variety of reasons. (I hope that you already realized some of the advantages for homeschooling so far.) It is something for everyone to consider ... And it probably ... ?

Friday, November 5, 2010

Guns should be illegal

Season 1: Guns are not necessary.
Example: Obviously, guns are used for the war, we don't need guns in a civilization.

Season 2: .
Example: People said they needed guns can protect themselves, but most of time guns do more harm than good. Many criminals are always using guns.

Season 3: Guns are very dangerous.
Example: From the report, some of people hurt themselves by own guns cause they don't know how to use it in a correctly way.

right to bear arms in the constitution but....

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Homeschooling better than a public school

Pertinence - each kids have different interest and level; able to get more develop and exercise on they good at; so the learning become more efficient and aimed.

Safety - parents able to keep eye on their kids; able to involved to play with kids; in normal school only one or two teachers look after all kids in a class.

Family relationship - parents spend more time on their kids for life and education; obviously, you do have a close relationship; base on this relationship kids will learn more faster and good from the parents.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

To The New Immigrants Who Plans To Settle in the Seattle Area

Welcome to Seattle! Seattle is the 15th largest city in the United States, and the largest in the northwestern states. The city's populations is about 617,000 inhabitants. Here are some suggestions and information for you:
Car is a great transportation here. It's more flexible than a bus when you plan to go somewhere. We have different speed limits for different road sections. So be aware of the speed limits. And car insurance is necessary. When you have car insurance you have nothing to worry about if you are involved in a car accident.
If you have a school-aged children: There are two type of schools, public school and private school. Public school are provided by state and federal funding. They are offered free of charge, whereas private schools do not receive tax revenues but charge through tuition and private grants. Therefore, private schools cost more than the public schools. The median tuition fee for private high schools in the Seattle area is about $14,000 a year. Double that charge for boarding schools. Now you may have the basic ideas about high school in Seattle.
Become a member of the local library. The local libraries have free Internet access. You can find available jobs on library websites or through the Internet. But we are currently in a special economic situation, and many people can't find employment. However, don't give up, go ahead-cross your fingers: the new page of your journal has just started.